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Latest version of FractalToy is 0.2.1 (5/11/2012):

If you need to obtain an older release, you can sometimes find them here; at least 1 or 2 past releases will be made available. Alternatively you can also check out a bleeding edge version of the source code from the SubVersion repository.

System requirements

Since FractalToy is written in Java, you'll need Sun/Oracle's Java Run-time Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later installed on your computer. You can always download the latest JRE for your operating system from here.

FractalToy only uses the standard Java Foundation Classes (JFC), and does not require any external libraries to be installed. It is also intended to be host-OS agnostic, and has been verified running under Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

Running FractalToy

Once you've got the JRE installed and downloaded the FractalToy-0.2.1.jar file, you can simply launch the program by typing the following command at your operating system's command prompt:

java -jar FractalToy-0.2.1.jar

Alternatively if the JRE for your operating system has some graphical utility for launching programs from .jar archives, then you can also use that. Under Microsoft Windows, you should be able to just double-click on the FractalToy-0.2.1.jar file from Windows Explorer.

Compiling the source code

To build the source code, make sure you have Sun/Oracle's JDK 1.6 and Apache Ant installed on your system. Use the supplied build.xml makefile in the source archive to build the program.

The following build targets are available:

ant build Compiles code
ant jar Packages program into a .jar file
ant run Compiles & runs program directly
ant runjar Compiles & runs program from .jar file
ant test Compiles & runs the test suite. Requires JUnit.
ant dist Packages source code in a zipfile for distribution.

Currently known issues

FractalToy is currently in early development stages. This current version, despite being feature-incomplete, is still carefully tested to ensure release-level quality, however there are some known issues and bugs that will be fixed in future versions.

Here are the bugs/glitches/shortcomings that are currently known to me as of this writing:

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